Surfing the rising waves

To say that the effects of Covid-19 have transformed people's habits in general and their consumption patterns in particular is almost a truism. But there are some trends about the post-virus era that are interesting to observe.

According to data from the Future Consumer Index, the pandemic has doubled online sales around the world. But it is not only the quantity of products circulating on the Internet that has increased, but also the quality. An important consequence of the consolidation of e-commerce is that the consumer has become more aware. Customers have more and more access to information, more possibilities for interaction, and their preferences are becoming clearly marked towards companies that are socially and environmentally responsible.

This implies that the best strategy for companies to survive and grow is to surf these long-established waves without generating resistance. Globalisation, for example, can mean for companies a reduction of supply chain risk and, at the same time, support for local suppliers and a lower ecological impact in the production process. Or digitalisation and automation, which are trends that were in the making long before the pandemic, can now be refocused on improving the quality of life of employees in different companies.

In the end, if life gives us lemons... and if that lemonade is good for everyone, so much the better.

@Ana Avalos  

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